
The article is devoted to the problems of teaching humanitarian disciplines to students studying in technical specialties and training areas. It gives recommendations on how to use the active and interactive teaching methods to make the process of mastering the scientific style of the Russian language more effective, as well as relevant and interesting for students. The value of this work is due to a number of factors. First, the use of active forms of training in classes in subjects with conservative content presents a certain difficulty. Secondly, students of technical specialties and training areas, mastering the scientific style in the first year, do not always realize the value of the acquired knowledge in solving compulsory teaching problems and their conjugation with self-development and professional growth. Third, the severity of book styles is psychologically alien to them. The purpose of this work is to overcome the typical for the traditional teaching system of stylistics of reproductive forms of education, in which the student is assigned a passive role.According to the author of the article, the study of the designated section of the discipline «The Russian Language and the Culture of Speech» should be based on such principles as practical orientation of teaching, encouragement of equal interaction between all participants in the educational process, and increased emotional involvement of students.The paper considers the possibilities of using the following methods of active and interactive learning: solving problem problems, mutual learning, discussion, competition, role play, training; specific examples of their use are given. These methods are presented in accordance with the stages of mastering the educational material. So, the expediency of addressing to methods of problem training during initial acquaintance with the material is grounded. At the second stage – the stage of comprehension – it is important to introduce the elements of the game. At the stage of consolidation of the received knowledge, the methods of mutual learning are effective, the organization of competition in the performance of standard exercises, games. The article reflects the scenarios of games «Translation Bureau» and «Linguistic crocodile», which contribute to replenishment of the vocabulary of students with general scientific and terminological vocabulary and the derivation of this lexical layer from the passive vocabulary. At the stage of mastering the material for the application of the skills of a full critical analysis of the scientific text, it is recommended to organize role games, discussions, trainings (themes, ideas and scenarios are presented).According to the author of the article, the described approach to the study of this section of stylistics is broader than the traditional one and corresponds to the current demands of the society for literate and promising young scientists.

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