
A LIGHT cradIe has been utilized for the treatment of decubitus uIcers at the Cuyahoga County Nursing Home since 1939. At first, however, the exceIIent resuIts in patients with bedsores was attributed to the topica appIication of powdered suIfonamides’ and the beneficia1 effects of the Iight cradIe were entireIy overlooked. Subsequently, the combination was appIied successfuIIy in cases of varicose uIcers, perforating uIcers of the feet and gangrene of the Iower extremities. When in 1946 the topica use of suIfonamide powder was discontinued, the resuIts with the Iight cradle aIone continued to be as good as, if not better than, the combined therapy. At present the cradle is the treatment of choice in the aforementioned Iesions to the compIete excIusion of a11 other therapy. The present report includes a brief description of the type of Iight cradIe in use, the technic, indications, resuIts and some physioIogic aspects. uIcer of the back or hee1, for exampIe, the patient is instructed to lie on his abdomen or either side. Infected uIcers are cIeansed thoroughly each day with green soap but otherwise they remain exposed to the air without dressings, ointments or other topica medication. Contact with the sheets and bedcIothes must be studiousIy avoided. As soon as the Iesions are cIean and granulating, IocaI cIeansing can be discontinued thus permitting the formation of a dry crust.

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