
Background: Scoliosis is defined as deformity of the spinal column and torso in three dimensions. The cause of scoliosis remains unknown. Therefore, such scoliosis is called idiopathic. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is one of the most common structural deformities of the spine in adolescents, which aggravates during an active growth. Physical rehabilitation plays an important role in the system of complex conservative treatment of scoliotic disease. The most effective conservative treatment is 3-plane gymnastics according to the method of C. Schroth and brace therapy according to Abbott-Cheneau principle Objective: Improving a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation for adolescents with scoliotic disease of the second degree by the method of Schrott and determining its effectiveness. Methods: We examined 14 patients aged 11–15 years with scoliotic disease of the second degree. These patients were divided into 2 groups: main and control (7 persons in each, respectively). In patients of the main group the complex treatment of scoliosis that included Schroth's method in combination with massage and brace therapy was used. In the control group comprehensive rehabilitation treatment included restorative and preventive measures according to the generally accepted program. Results: The use of Schroth technique in a comprehensive physical rehabilitation program better reduced Cobb's angle of deviation of the spine, increased strength endurance of the back and abdominal muscles, improved formation of the muscular corset, largely eliminated cosmetic defects. Conclusion: Schroth's technique had a positive effect on Cobb's angle and other parameters in adolescent girls with a grade 2 scoliosis. The multi- component Schroth technique, which includes passive correction, self-stretching and corrected breathing creates conditions for is necessary to be widely implemented in clinical practice.

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