
Abstract The American Heritage Dictionary: Second College Edition (AHD2; 1982), like its predecessor The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language(AHD1; 1969) contains usage notes reporting the judgements of a Usage Panel on the acceptability of certain locutions. The AHD2 Panel is larger than that of AHD, and its members are slightly but not significantly more diverse in age, sex, and ethnicity; but the AHD2 Panel consists mainly of older white male language conservatives. Unlike those of AHD1, the AHD2 usage notes o not contain random comments by Panel members, they do not report specific percentages of Panel members approving or rejecting a locution, and they use more objective, less contentious language than does AHD1. Despite its larger Panel, AHD2 has fewer notes reporting Panel judgments than does AHD1 (127 in AHD2, 226 in AHD1). No correlation or interrelation can be found between Usage Panel Opinions and the treatment of the locutions in question within entries to which the usage notes are appended. The Usage Panel in AHD2 is a marketing gimmick, not a source of serious information about usage.

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