
Online educational resources, also known as Open Educational Resources (OER), have been developed to provide free and open access to educational materials for students and educators. The objective of OER is to make education more accessible and affordable for all, by providing high-quality educational materials that are free to use and distribute. In higher education, OER has the potential to revolutionise the way in which students learn. By making educational materials freely available, students can access high-quality materials without the need to purchase expensive textbooks. This can help to reduce the cost of education and make it more accessible to all students. Additionally, OER can be customised and adapted to fit the specific needs of individual students and educators, which can improve the overall learning experience. This article contains information on how online educational resources were developed and their objective. History and development of these materials with a showcase of examples and positive impact reached by usage of OER. Perspectives of use of Open Educational Resources in higher education.

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