
According to Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945 Pasal 36, Bahasa Indonesia is a National Language of Indonesia. It means Bahasa Indonesia must be used as an official language in all levels ranging from government to education as well as in development of science and technology. The Government of Republic of Indonesia as the highest and formal authority must use official Bahasa Indonesia in their activities including in their official websites. Therefore, the government issued a regulation instruction called Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) No. 2 Tahun 2001 to govern the usage of official computer terms in Bahasa Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the usage of official computer terms in Bahasa Indonesia compared to the computer terms in English. The data are obtained from the government official websites in Indonesia. The method consists of data gathering, template detection, string extraction and data analysis. The evaluation of official computer terms in Bahasa Indonesia falls into three categories, such as good, moderate and poor. The number of websites in good category is 281 websites, the moderate category is 512 websites and the poor category is 290 websites. The authorized institution may use this result as additional information to evaluate the implementation of official information technology terms in Bahasa Indonesia.

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