
1. Introduction Andrew Johnstone and Helen Laville Section One: The Public and War 2. From Coast Defence to Embalmed Beef: The Influence of the Press and Public Opinion on McKinley's Policymaking during the Spanish-American War Joseph Smith 3.To Mobilize a Nation: Citizens Organizations and Intervention and on the Eve of WWII Andrew Johnstone 4. Power to the People? American Public Opinion and the Vietnam War Andrew Priest Section Two: Public Interests and Ideology 5. Organized Labor and the Social Foundations of American Diplomacy, 1898-1920 Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones 6. Religion and World Order at the Dawn of the American Century Andrew Preston 7. Gender Apartheid? American Women and Women's Rights in American Foreign Policy Helen Laville Section Three: Interests and Ethnicity 8. African Americans and US Foreign Policy: The American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa and the Rhodesian Crisis Carl P. Watts 9. The American Public and the US-Israeli Special Relationship Elizabeth Stephens 10. The Cuban Lobby and US Policy toward Cuba Jessica Gibbs Section Four: The Public and the War on Terror 11. Neoconservatism and the American Public: Was 9/11 a Hegemonic Moment? Maria Ryan 12. You Don't Launch a Marketing Campaign in August: The Bush Administration and the Public Before and After the Iraq Invasion Scott Lucas

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