
A new gravimetric geoid model, USGG2009 (see Abbreviations), has been developed for the United States and its territories including the Conterminous US (CONUS), Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. USGG2009 is based on a 1′ × 1′ gravity grid derived from the NGS surface gravity data and the DNSC08 altimetry-derived anomalies, the SRTM-DTED1 3′′ DEM for its topographic reductions, and the global geopotential model EGM08 as a reference model. USGG2009 geoid heights are compared with control values determined at 18,398 Bench Marks over CONUS, where both the ellipsoidal height above NAD 83 and the Helmert orthometric height above NAVD 88 are known. Correcting for the ellipsoidal datum difference, this permits a comparison of the geoid heights to independent data. The standard deviation of the differences is 6.3 cm in contrast to 8.4 cm for its immediate predecessor— USGG2003. To minimize the effect of long-wavelength errors that are known to exist in NAVD88, these comparisons were made on a state-by-state basis. The standard deviations of the differences range from 3–5 cm in eastern states to about 6–9 cm in the more mountainous western states. If the GPS/Bench Marks-derived geoid heights are corrected by removing a GRACE-derived estimate of the long-wavelength NAVD88 errors before the comparison, the standard deviation of their differences from USGG2009 drops to 4.3 cm nationally and 2–4 cm in eastern states and 4–8 in states with a maximum error of 26.4 cm in California and minimum of −32.1 cm in Washington. USGG2009 is also compared with geoid heights derived from 40 tide-gauges and a physical dynamic ocean topography model in the Gulf of Mexico; the mean of the differences is 3.3 cm and their standard deviation is 5.0 cm. When USGG2009-derived deflections of the vertical are compared with 3,415 observed surface astro-geodetic deflections, the standard deviation of the differences in the N–S and E–W components are 0.87′′ and 0.94′′, respectively.

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