
Baturraden District is one of the sub-districts in the Banyumas Regency. Baturraden Subdistrict is nationally known for its tourism destination, Baturraden Tourism Station, located in Ketenger Village. There are 12 (twelve) villages with different tourism potentials in Baturraden Subdistrict, although there is a similarity line, in the main tourism center in Banyumas Regency, namely Baturraden Tourism. To optimize the existing tourism potential in the Baturraden District, it is necessary to make a policy breakthrough so that all villages support each other in accordance with the capabilities of each village. In order to optimize village potentials, one of the policies that can be taken is to conduct inter-village cooperation. The problem is how is the cooperation between villages in developing the potential of the village to support tourism. The objectives to be achieved are (1) Identifying the potential of villages in the entire Baturraden District to support tourism; (2) initiating cooperation between villages in Baturraden Subdistrict; (3) Formulating the InterVillage Cooperation Model in developing village potential to support tourism in Baturraden District. The conclusion that can be drawn is that inter-village cooperation can be done by (1) determining Lokawisata as Prime Over (driving) (2) Conducting Clustering of Village Tourism Potential which is classified into two major parts, namely the first cluster is a village cluster supporting tourism and the second is cluster village tourism buffer.

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