
The existence of Indonesian State based on the Pancasila values as the state and nation ideology. Pancasila has placed the First Principle of The Belief in one and the only God to give attention on the citizen right to have religion and do their religion based on the religious lesson. The function of state as protector of rights guarantee of its citizen toward food and drink products reveal in the formulation of statute related to halal product guaranty other than the Law no. 8 of 1999 on the Consumer Protection issued previously. The Halal Product Guaranty has been implemented in halal Certificate purposing to give legal certainty and protection for the consumer, especially moslem. This certificated guaranty is arranged in the Law No. 33 of 2014 on the Halal Product Guaranty. The law become necessary in the middle of free trade today. This policy hopefully eliminate food supply with vague guaranty of its halal. This protection is very relevant related to the purpose of implementing Islamic Law, to keep the religion, soul, mind, heredity, and property. This study purpose to examine five things proteted in Islamic Law. Therefore, it clearly reveal that implementation of Halal Product Guaranty needed for the human life continuity.

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