
The urban sufism movement namely Hubbun Nabi becomes an interesting phenomenon since it emerges in the midst of Islamic-militant religious movement which is symptomatic in Sukoharjo. Hubbun Nabi represents the unity of many denominations whose Islamic understandings are Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah (Aswaja) of Nahdliyin in Sukoharjo. It carries a moderate religious style. This research portrayed the style of moderate religiosity which is developed by Majlis Dzikir and Sholawat Hubbun Nabi. It was a descriptive-qualitative research. The techniques of collecting data are direct observation on the activities of Majlis Dzikir and Sholawat Hubbun Nabi, in-depth interview to Kyai Abdulloh Faishol, and documentation. Data was analyzed by reducing and displaying data, then drawing conclusion. Data validation was processed through triangulation method and informant review. Sukoharjo is one of the important cities for it has long been the basis of radical and moderate movements. One of the local movements in Sukoharjo whose rapid development was Majlis Dzikir and Sholawat Hubbun Nabi. The core values carried out by Hubbun Nabi movement are moderatism and tolerance, open-mindness, respecting plurality, and anti-fanaticism. Hubbun Nabi has indeed a significant role in the process of de-radicalization of the religious movement through transforming the values into the wider community. Hubbun promotes moderate Islam, the theology of humanity as a form of the “smiling of Islam.”


  • Since post-reform 1998, there has been a rapid enhancement of social, political, and religious activities in Indonesia

  • One of them is the emergence of the spiritual phenomenon among the urban Sufism

  • The emergence of majlis dhikr and shalawat, alternative medicine, and Sufism consultation becomes the new phenomenon for the revival of urban Sufism in Indonesia

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Since post-reform 1998, there has been a rapid enhancement of social, political, and religious activities in Indonesia. According to Stanislov and Christina Grov, the phenomenon of urban Sufism indicates the existence of spiritual-existential psychological problems, alienation and spiritual crisis in modern society (Vardi (ed.), 1996: 4). This crisis shows the spiritual gap in the individuals where they psychologically and spiritually splits his/her personality, and this results in the alienation of the individuals. One of the phenomenal majlis dhikr and shalawat in Sukoharjo city is Hubbun Nabi led by Kyai Abdullah Faishol, Rais Syuriah, chairman of PCNU Sukoharjo It has been established since 2011 and has more than 500 followers spread out in Kartasura and its surrounding areas. The reliability of data is tested through two ways, namely: data triangulation and informant review

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