
Paranjothy and Wade's (2024) meta-review reveals that individuals higher in the personality trait of self-criticism consistently experience more disordered eating than those lower in the trait. The clinical implications of this meta-review are important in that they suggest current theoretical models and clinical practices in the field of eating disorders should incorporate a greater focus on self-criticism. Building on this exciting contribution, we highlight conceptual, practical, and empirical reasons why the field would benefit from supplementing this research on trait self-criticism with investigations of state self-criticism. We review research showing that self-criticism levels vary not only between individuals, with some people chronically more self-critical than others, but also within a person, with a given individual enacting relatively more self-criticism during some moments and days than others. We then present emerging research showing that these periods of higher-than-usual self-criticism are associated with more disordered eating. Thus, we emphasize the need to explore the factors that give rise to self-critical states in daily life, and review preliminary findings on this topic. We highlight the ways in which research on within-person variations in self-criticism can complement research on trait self-criticism to advance case formulation, prevention, and treatment in the field of eating disorders.

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