
The tetrapodomorph fish, Gogonasus andrewsae is a three dimensionally well-preserved sarcopterygian from the Gogo Formation (Frasnian, early Upper Devonian, ∼380 million years ago) in Western Australia. High-resolution X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography and 3D printouts were used to obtain a digital reconstruction of its shoulder girdle and opercular series. Our new findings show the opercular series in a close fit against the upper bones of the shoulder girdle only if the anocleithrum, supracleithrum and post-temporal are aligned more horizontally than in previous reconstructions. The lowermost subopercular bone also differs, in partly covering the clavicle of the shoulder girdle. The ascending process of the clavicle, and the ventral process of the anocleithrum, do not fit closely inside the cleithrum, and perhaps functioned for ligamentous attachment. A rugose area on the anocleithral process is in a similar relative position to the attachment of a muscle ligament on the shoulder girdle of various living actinopterygians. Our manipulation of 3D printouts permits testing of the morphological fit of extremely fragile acid-etched bones, and indicates a new way to investigate the constructional morphology of one or more mechanical units of the vertebrate skeleton. It is suggested that Micro-CT imaging, reconstruction, visualisation and 3D printing techniques will provide a rigorous new test leading to modification of previous reconstructions of extinct vertebrates that were based on graphical methods and 2D imaging.

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