
This essay seeks to go beyond the arguments of Lee Edelman's 2004 No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive. Edelman's book uses Jacques Lacan's theory of the sinthome to critique the homophobic ideology of reproductive futurism, which seeks to guarantee the future in the name of the child. Edelman uses Lacan to argue that queer theory should forgo any engagement with a politics of the future, and that queers should instead embrace the position of the reviled sinthomosexual, whose embrace of jouissance in the Real undercuts reprofuturity. By contrast, this essay offers an alternative interpretation of Lacan's theory of the sinthome that sustains several productive accounts of a future that could lie beyond the fantasy of reproductive futurism – options that are far more promising for queer theory than Edelman's refusal of all politics and signification.

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