
The 2010 "Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health" report from the Institute of Medicine recommended that 80% of registered nurses (RNs) obtain a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree by 2020. Hospitals with BSN nurses have reduced morbidity and mortality. In 2014, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the University of Wisconsin-Extension launched the University of Wisconsin Flexible Option BSN (UW Flex BSN) as an additional model for BSN degree completion, adding to the in-person and online delivery models already being offered.In this article, the authors examine the decision to launch the UW Flex BSN program as a competency-based, time-variable approach to RN-to-BSN degree completion. They discuss the factors contributing to its success (including proactive, wraparound support for students through the use of academic success coaches and regular and substantive interaction with faculty), design and program elements and decisions, and continuing challenges that have yet to be resolved.UW Flex BSN is one version of direct-assessment, competency-based education, and it represents the first of its kind in a public institution for postlicensure BSN degree completion. The program meets all Higher Learning Commission standards and requirements and is grounded in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Baccalaureate Essentials and program quality standards. The UW Flex BSN for degree completion is a successful example of a competency-based, time-variable education model that has been applied in a practice discipline.

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