
This article studies the formalized lexicographic description of the archaeological terminology and aims to develop its basis — the universal dictionary entry structure. The authors prove the need for the unified description of an archaeological term in dictionaries and terminological databases. The comparative analysis of the dictionary entry structures of contemporary archaeological dictionaries and term databases has shown that the unified principles for the formalized description of an archaeological object have not yet been developed. Thus, the archaeological dictionaries, as well as the term databases, do not have the unified structure of the dictionary entry. This paper describes the systematic development of the universal structure of the dictionary entry for the archaeological term. The source of the term material was the most complete contemporary terminological dictionary — “The Dictionary of Archaeological Ceramics” by Yu. G. Kokorina (2017). As a result of the logical-conceptual and definitional analysis of the archaeological term descriptions, the authors have proposed 15 linguistic and conceptual parameters: etymology, synonyms, pragmatic parameter, shape, function, constructive parameter, obligatory structural elements, metric parameter, degree of the metric parameter manifestation, proportions, quantitative parameter, cultural-geographical parameter, and construction material. The universal character of these parameters is supposed to ensure the development of the formalized dictionary entry structure of the archaeological term. The proposed all inclusive dictionary entry structure of the archaeological term can become the foundation for the formalized lexicographic description of archaeological terminology both in dictionaries and in automated databases.

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