
We prove a very general Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence on arbitrary compact Hermitian manifolds. This correspondence refers to moduli spaces of holomorphic oriented pairs. Most of the classical moduli problems in complex geometry (e. g. holomorphic bundles with reductive structure groups, holomorphic pairs, holomorphic Higgs pairs, Witten triples, arbitrary quiver moduli problems) are special cases of this universal classification problem. Our Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence relates the complex geometric concept polystable oriented holomorphic pair to the existence of a reduction solving a generalized Hermitian-Einstein equation. The proof is based on the Uhlenbeck-Yau continuity method. We also investigate metric properties of the moduli spaces in this general non-Kaehlerian framework. We discuss in more detail moduli spaces of oriented connections, Douady Quot spaces and moduli spaces of non-abelian monopoles.

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