
This is a study of a humanitarian intervention in Southeast Asia led by a neighbouring state. The focus of the article is the first month of the International Force East Timor (INTERFET) operation led by Australia on behalf of the international community, with strong regional support, at the invitation of Indonesia. The article deals with the practical considerations that confronted senior military commanders as they implemented INTERFET's United Nations Security Council mandate at the operational level. INTERFET sought to shape events in East Tim or through the deterrence of certain Indonesian force elements while at the same time developing effective co-operation with senior Indonesian military officers. Various aspects of the INTERFET operation are analysed. Introduction Australia, on behalf of the international community, led and implemented the United Nations-sanctioned intervention in what was still Indonesian territory in East Timor in late 1999. This article looks at how that this was done at the operational level -- the level at which military commanders plan and implement operations within a designated theatre. The time period employed here is the important first month of the International Force East Timor (INTERFET) operation. It was during this time that INTERFET (and Indonesian) military commanders confronted their greatest challenges. Developments in this small poor province were the focus of intense international attention. The smallest of incidents could have provoked an international incident. This article sheds light on how senior INTERFET (and where possible Indonesian) military officers managed the practical implementation of national responses to a humanitarian tragedy on the ground. It touches on how INTERFET's senior officers interpreted and responded to events. INTERFET sought to shape events with a combination of deterrence, engagement, and co-operation with the Indonesian armed forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, or TNI). The application of military operational warfighting concepts in a peacemaking environment is also touched on, including INTERFET's provision of higher level military protection for its lightly armed and unprotected supply ships in response to submarine and air combat threats. INTERFET was a remarkably successful peacemaking mission. It achieved its goals in co-operation with Indonesia. Little blood was shed. Yet, the success of this operation at the outset depended on INTERFET depriving any potential adversary the opportunity to use force in the expectation of achieving a realistic gain. This was achieved by the use of higher-level military capabilities along with very well equipped and determined soldiers on the ground. This approach was complemented by co-operation. TNI commanders responsible for East Timor were kept fully briefed on INTERFET's intentions and were given the space to retire gracefully from East Timor. Mechanisms were established to allow senior INTERFET and TNI officers to raise issues of concern and to work through problems. Potential sources of conflict were generally diffused. Methodology The study is weighted towards an INTERFET perception of events. This is a consequence of research access to officials and officers who influenced INTERFET's decision-making. It is hoped that in due course a corrective study capturing Indonesian perspectives derived from interviews with key relevant TNI officers will be possible. This study is drawn from interviews with senior officers of the staffs of the maritime and land components of INTERFET. Other very senior officials and officers kindly provided their time to explain some of the wider facets of the operation. These interviews were supplemented by an account of the INTERFET operation by its Commander, Major General Peter Cosgrove, and by specialist studies by the Australian Defence Force Maritime and Land Warfare Studies Centres. In addition, other participants shed light on the tactical level. …

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