
Diffusion is the process by which molecules move. One way to model multicomponent diffusion is with a version of Fick’s law: (J) = - [D] d(c)/dz where [D] is a matrix of multicomponent diffusion coefficients. [D] is the product of two other matrices, one of which involves partial derivatives of the fugacity or activity coefficients. It is usually the case that all of the elements on the main diagonal of [D] have a positive value. Wambui Mutoru and Firoozabadi (2011, 2012) showed that CO2-rich and N2-rich hydrocarbon systems could have main diagonal elements of [D] that are negative. Using rate-based column simulations, we have found that these negative main diffusion coefficients readily occur in some high-pressure distillation operations. We investigate these processes in more detail and explore the consequences for the design and operation of columns in which this phenomenon is predicted to occur.

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