
Background Current medical care deeply relies on informatics during all stages of patient care, which is significantly enhanced due to its use. The healthcare professional's formation in medical informatics results crucial for their everyday practice. However, healthcare study programs not always provide education about the use of this wide variety of systems, and young professionals find that they need to learn about it over the experience. The aim of this study was to assess the understanding of medical and dental students regarding medical informatics and ICTs. Materials and Methods A questionnaire was produced with 3 sections and a total of 24 questions. Students replied to the survey before and after taking the medical informatics course. Results A total of 719 students from second year of medical and dental school were recruited for the study between the period of September of 2017-May 2018, September 2018-May 2019, September 2019-May 2020, and September 2020-May 2021. Medical and dental students showed a good level of understanding regarding medical informatics, as well as a good perception of the relevance of ICT learning for the professional practice. Course attendance increased the percentage of students that felt confident of their knowledge about medical informatics. However, most students felt that little or no medical informatics education was lectured at their schools and that the University should adapt the academic program to include it. After taking the course, the student's perception on this matter was improved. Conclusion Medical and dental students find medical informatics learning useful for their future professional practice and feel inclined to use it. However, they feel that Universities need to adapt their programs in order to include medical education courses and trainings; partly because they are not completely aware of the use of ICTs that already are established in their courses.

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