
In our society, values of life is neither constant nor equal to all. Apart from economic conditions, the importance of women in under developing countries still suffers from blind gender disparity. Their voices are always suppressed in family as well as in society. The only solution to raise their importance is at the hand of law. The liberation of women in under developing countries is moving slow like a snail’s journey. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus realistically portrays the suppressed voices of African women through the characters Beatrice Achike-the Mama, Aunty Ifeoma, and Kambili Achike. Dissent is never entertained and taken on the right spirit by any government in the world. And therefore, the emotions and the desires of African women are taken unaccounted. This perhaps is the effect of poor literacy, lack of awareness found in under developing territories of Africa. This theme of the unaccounted voice of women is to be discussed in this research paper.

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