
ABSTRACT High-dispersion observations of the peculiar A star HD 51418 have been carried out in the ultraviolet by the IUE satellite. Atomic resonance lines observed in the regions 1800-2000 and 2500-3000 A include those of Mg II, Ti II, Cr I, Cr II, Mn II, Fe II and Zn II, and possibly Si II, S I, V II, Fe I, Co II, Y II, Ce II, Ce III, Eu II, Eu III and Tb III. The Mg II 2796 and 2803 A resonance lines exhibit definite variations in equivalent width with orbital phase, which can be attributed to changes in the local atmospheric structure due to the patchy distribution of other elements. In addition, the observations confirm the well known trend for a light-heavy asymmetry in iron peak spectra similar to that observed in the rare earths.

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