
The present study reports on the ultrastructure features of spermatozoa and spermatogenesis of several species of Dysderidae ( Dysdera crocata, Dysdera erythrina, Dysdera ninnii, Harpactea arguta, Harpactea piligera, Dasumia taeniifera). Dysderid spiders are known to possess a peculiar sperm transfer form known as synspermia, characterized by fused spermatozoa surrounded by a secreted sheath. Until now the exact mode of formation of the synspermia is unknown. The present study demonstrates that the spermatids are connected via narrow cell bridges during the entire spermiogenesis as is usual, although in Dysderidae they do not separate at end of the spermiogenesis. Instead, they fuse completely within the testes shortly after the spermatid has coiled to get a spherical shape. The number of fusing sperm cells is different in the different observed species. The species of the genus Harpactea thus have synspermia consisting of two fused spermatozoa; whereas in the species of the genus Dysdera four sperm cells are fused and in D. taeniifera at least three spermatozoa are fused. In contrast with other known families with this peculiar form transfer of sperm, the synspermia in Dysderidae are mainly characterized by a conspicuous vesicular area which extends through the entire synspermium surrounding the cell organelles. Thus, all main cell components (e.g., nucleus, acrosomal vacuole, and axoneme) are covered by the vesicular membrane. The vesicular area seems to be functional and probably it is important during sperm activation in female genital system. Simultaneously to the extension of the vesicular area, the synspermium accumulates large amounts of glycogen. The glycogen is mainly located around the centriolar adjunct and along the axoneme accompanying the postcentriolar elongation of the nucleus. A further peculiar feature is the extremely elongated acrosomal vacuole, which seems to be synapomorphic trait for sperm cells of dysderids. Interestingly, spermatogenesis, including the fusion, exclusively occurs within the testes (in contrast to the formation of coenospermia). In the vas deferens only synspermia were found. The secreted sheath surrounding the spermatozoa is finally synthesized in the parts of the vasa deferentia, which are close to the genital opening where numerous vacuoles and microvilli are seen in the epithelial cells.

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