
We have examined the ultrastructure of cellular vesicles in primary cultures of wing imaginai disc cells of Drosophila melanogaster. These cells maintain the apico-basal polarity characteristic of epithelial cells. The apical surfaces secrete extracellular material into the lumen of the vesicle from plasma membrane plaques at the tip of microvilli. During the course of one passage, cells from the established cell lines grow to confluence and then aggregate into discrete condensations joined by aligned bridges of cells. Cells in these aggregates are tightly packed, and there appears to be a loss of the epithelial polarity characteristic of the vesicle cells. Elongated cell extensions containing numerous microtubules are found in aggregates, and we suggest that these may be epithelial feet involved in the aggregation process. Virus particles are commonly found both within the nucleus and the cytoplasm of cells in the aggregates.

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