
In this paper, we describe the photometric calibration of data taken with the near-infrared Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). The broad-band ZYJHK data are directly calibrated from Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) point sources which are abundant in every WFCAM pointing. We perform an analysis of spatial systematics in the photometric calibration, both inter- and intradetector show that these are present at up to the ∼5 per cent level in WFCAM. Although the causes of these systematics are not yet fully understood, a method for their removal is developed and tested. Following the application of the correction procedure, the photometric calibration of WFCAM is found to be accurate to ≃1.5 per cent for the JHK bands and 2 per cent for the ZY bands, meeting the survey requirements. We investigate the transformations between the 2MASS and WFCAM systems and find that the Z and Y calibrations are sensitive to the effects of interstellar reddening for large values of E(B−V)′, but that the JHK filters remain largely unaffected. We measure a small correction to the WFCAM Y-band photometry required to place WFCAM on a Vega system, and investigate WFCAM measurements of published standard stars from the list of UKIRT faint standards. Finally, we present empirically determined throughput measurements for WFCAM.

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