
The article studies the professional work of the representatives of socionomic professions in law enforcement agencies and presents a typical model of their professional activities that include operational and special tasks. The article describes and divides into separate blocks the most typical professional tasks of the representatives of socionomic professions in law enforcement agencies. The influence of the specialists’ experience on their conceptual models, the structure of such models and their subjective perception of professional tasks is determined. The types of conceptual models are determined depending on the grouping of professional tasks, as well as the structuredness of a professional activity image. The authors have identified three assessment factors that describe their subjective assessment of importance for certain professional tasks. The main function of the conceptual model is psychic regulation of activities to provide a person’s conscious orientation in the processes occurring in his/her professional environment, understanding by him/her of the past and the future changes in these processes, including those ones that take place due to his/her own actions as a specialist. The structure of a professional activity image is understood as a subordination and interconnection of knowledge and information about strategic tasks and tactical operations. The professional complex of tasks and operations is formed under influence of the following factors: the structure of knowledge, ideas on links between different systems of the professional complex, which are acquired and developed during a specialist’s professionalization and are different, to a large extent, for representatives of socionomic professions in different law enforcement agencies. The specificity of a specialist’s professional activities, the scope of his/her professional tasks, the sphere of personal responsibility influences strongly on his/her ideas about the causal relations between various elements of the professional complex, in particular the task prioritizing, subjective significance of one or another aspect of professional activities. The model of competencies means a structured set of necessary, defined and measurable competencies with indicators of behaviour. Within the framework of the systematic approach to the research on conceptual models of professional activities, it is important to study the psychological structure of individual representations, as well as the criteria for the combination of various functional and technological elements that give them a corresponding subjective significance. The influence of professional experience on subjective perceptions of professional activities by the representatives of socionomic professions in law enforcement agencies, which are reflected in their conceptual models of professional activities, is manifested in a certain typology of these specialists, who have different strategies and tactics of professional activities, choose different key elements, focus on different activities in a certain complex that have greater or less consistency and internal logic. Subjective conceptual models act as a basis for an individual’s style of professional work.


  • Кандидат психологических наук, доцент кафедры психологии, Николаевский национальный университет имени В

  • The professional complex of tasks and operations is formed under influence of the following factors: ABSTRACT The article studies the professional work of the representatives of socionomic professions in law enforcement agencies and presents a typical model of their professional activities that include operational and special tasks

  • The types of conceptual models are determined depending on the grouping of professional tasks, as well as the structuredness of a professional activity image

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ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0030-0428 2 Кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри соціальної роботи, Миколаївський національний університет імені В. На формування уявлень про професійний комплекс завдань і операцій впливає ціла низка чинників: структура знань, уявлення про зв’язки різних систем професійного комплексу набуваються і розвиваються у процесі професіоналізації фахівця і значною мірою різняться у представників соціономічних професій різних сфер силових структур. Вплив професійного досвіду на суб’єктивні уявлення про професійну діяльність представників соціономічних професій у силових структурах, які відображуються у концептуальній моделі професійної діяльності, проявляється у певній типології фахівців, які відрізняються стратегією і тактикою професійної діяльності, вибором її ключових ланок, спрямованістю на здійснення процесу діяльності в певному комплексі у більшій або меншій ступені узгодженості і внутрішній логіці. Вплив професійного досвіду на суб’єктивні уявлення про професійну діяльність представників соціономічних професій у силових структурах, які відображуються у концептуальній моделі професійної діяльності, проявляється у певній типології фахівців, які відрізняються стратегією і тактикою професійної діяльності, вибором її ключових ланок, спрямованістю на здійснення процесу діяльності в певному комплексі у більшій або Bessonova Y.V.

Inna Chuhueva
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