
After being firmly enforced for around 34 years and preventing an estimated 400 million births, China's widely criticised one-child policy came to an end on Nov 15. A two-child policy, which will allow families to have a second child if either parent is an only child, was officially announced amid a series of reforms at the third plenary session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee. This vital change in population policy comes at a time when China faces a sharp demographic shift, a shrinking and young labour force, a rapidly ageing population, and a high sex imbalance.Strong signs of change came in March when the National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC) was merged with the health ministry during China's leadership transition. Additionally, Li Bin, who directed NPFPC from 2008 to 2011, was appointed as the new health minister.Wang Pei'an, Vice Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, has said that the government “are confident that implementation of this [two-child] policy will not bring about big pressure on food security and public services of health care, education and employment”. However, questions remain. With additional births yet limited health care resources, how will China's health system quickly adapt to the rising needs and expectations of women's and children's health, and ensure qualified and accessible health services? Additionally, what social support measures should be provided to allow women more equal social and economic opportunity? Given China's poor environmental record, what should be done to address the effect of population growth on the environment?Above all, the core issue for China's population policy is not the number of children a family should have, but the lack of recognition or respect for fertility freedom, which unfortunately remains in the new policy. Birth control policy should first and foremost be built on respect for each individual's right to reproduce free of coercion, decide the number and spacing of their children, and attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. After being firmly enforced for around 34 years and preventing an estimated 400 million births, China's widely criticised one-child policy came to an end on Nov 15. A two-child policy, which will allow families to have a second child if either parent is an only child, was officially announced amid a series of reforms at the third plenary session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee. This vital change in population policy comes at a time when China faces a sharp demographic shift, a shrinking and young labour force, a rapidly ageing population, and a high sex imbalance. Strong signs of change came in March when the National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC) was merged with the health ministry during China's leadership transition. Additionally, Li Bin, who directed NPFPC from 2008 to 2011, was appointed as the new health minister. Wang Pei'an, Vice Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, has said that the government “are confident that implementation of this [two-child] policy will not bring about big pressure on food security and public services of health care, education and employment”. However, questions remain. With additional births yet limited health care resources, how will China's health system quickly adapt to the rising needs and expectations of women's and children's health, and ensure qualified and accessible health services? Additionally, what social support measures should be provided to allow women more equal social and economic opportunity? Given China's poor environmental record, what should be done to address the effect of population growth on the environment? Above all, the core issue for China's population policy is not the number of children a family should have, but the lack of recognition or respect for fertility freedom, which unfortunately remains in the new policy. Birth control policy should first and foremost be built on respect for each individual's right to reproduce free of coercion, decide the number and spacing of their children, and attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. China relaxes its one-child policyChina took a historic step this month by further loosening its infamous one-child fertility policy but experts are divided over the potential impact of the reform. Yadan Ouyang reports. Full-Text PDF

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