
ABSTRACT A detailed geomorphological mapping of the Po River fluvial terraces into Turin was performed through a field survey. Although Turin is crossed by the Po River, most of the town is built on the extended alpine outwash fans linked to its tributaries (essentially fed by the Dora Riparia Basin), made by 20–60 m thick gravel with sand lenses, or on erosional terraces (T1 and T2) shaped by the Po River into these sediments. Only a small sector of the town is built on a narrow belt formed by thin soft sand deposited by the Po, forming depositional terraces (T3 and T4) entrenched in the alpine fans. This research allowed us to recognize three steps in the geological evolution of the area: the construction of the alpine fans (Last Glacial Maximum), the first flow of the Po River that erodes the tributary sediments (Lateglacial-Holocene) and the deposition by Po River (Holocene).

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