
In the last few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) is evolving through a new definition of this paradigm describing a system of cooperating Smart Objects (SOs). An SO can be defined as a physical digital object augmented with sensing, processing, storing and networking capabilities. The key role of such objects resides in the capabilities they have to make physical environments intel- ligent so as to provide novel services to people. Cultural Heritage domain and in particular its fruition and enjoyment perspectives can profitably benefits of such technologies since it characterize a domain where different aspects have to be considered: people enjoyment, cultural items fruition, valorisation and tutelage of spaces and artworks. In this paper we present an ongoing project, named ( TrUST - Transport with Ubiquiotus and Smart Technologies ) and developed within DATABENC, a high technology district for Cultural Heritage management, in collaboration with the Mobility Transport Company (ANM) of Naples. The project exploits the Internet of Things technologies in order to enable a novel fruition metaphor inside the transport coaches. Deploying a SO with GPS and WiFi capabilities, users can enjoy of multimedia content about the cultural heritage that surrounds them during a trip.

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