
In this chapter, we consider the Donald J. Trump administration’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) as part of the larger issue of presidential responsibility and prerogative on nuclear issues. The Nuclear Posture Review outlines Trump administration priorities with respect to nuclear force structure, modernization, policy planning and other issues. Compared to the Barack Obama administration, Trump calls for a wider range of limited nuclear options for deterrence across the spectrum of possible conflicts, prompted by alleged Russian interest in a theory of victory supported by nuclear first use as a means of de-escalation. However, Russia is also modernizing its conventional forces, including those for long-range, precision strike, in order to implement a more credible pre-nuclear deterrence. The Trump administration NPR anticipates commitments to nuclear modernization beyond the ambitious program already approved during the Obama administration. Along with this, Trump also expects to augment US defense capabilities in space and cyberspace: the President has called for the creation of a space force that is organized as a separate arm of service, but initially it will be a subordinate command within the US Air Force.

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