
Conflict in the Green Island has begun in the twelfth century, when Ireland came into the United Kingdom’s possession. It takes place between two antagonistic groups: Republicans (mostly native Catholics), and unionists, or loyalists (mostly the influx of Protestants). The dispute nowadays concerns the national identity of Northern Ireland. The Republicans opt for joining the territory of the Republic of Ireland, while unionists and loyalists want to stay with the Crown. Native inhabitants of the islands have been dominated politically, economically and educationally. They have fought time and again to achieve independence or unification with the Republic. Uprisings erupted (in 1641 – created anti-English, 1916 – Easter Rising, 1972 – Bloody Sunday), treaties were signed and the agreement (1973 – joint Stormont elections, the creation of the Council of Ireland, peace agreement in 1984, 1985 – an agreement and formation of the International Peace Conference (of the British – Irish relations), 1993 – the Downing Street Declaration, 1998 – Friday Agreement); despite the legislative obstacles (1652 – Act of occupation, 1691 – Treaty of Limerick, 1801 – Act of Union, 1922 – Special Powers Act, 1936 – Act of public order, direct rule, 2000 – Great Britain suspended the autonomy of Ireland). Republicans fought on the side of Irish Republican Army (IRA), which ceased its activities after the Agreement. Following the split, due to the signing of agreements, Republicans created Real IRA (RIRA), Provisional IRA (PIRA) and Continuity IRA (CIRA). Similar independent organizations are Irish Republican Army National – Liberation (INLA) and a fraction of the GHQ (INLA – GHQ). Some activists are still active in paramilitary capacities (eg. the 2009 RIRA attack). As well ascarry out criminal activities. Loyalists and Unionists were divided from the beginning (or rather never became united). Antagonistic attitudes towards the Republicans are shared by Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF) and the Red Hand Defenders (RHD) Ulster Defence Association / Ulster Freedom Fighters (UDA / UFF) and the Orange Volunteers. Most of them are still active. In addition to the fight against the Republicans, these groups are also fighting amongst themselves. They work in the underground, whichwell in the basement, results in criminal activities. The conflict in Northern Ireland continues and seems difficult to solve. The society remains divided and the British law so far offers no solution, although hopefully one will be found in the future. Let us hope that there is no solution.

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