
This study was designed to build on recent findings that (a) factors of the tripartite model in adults are not uniformly related to all anxiety disorder dimensions as recent research has suggested (T. A. Brown, B. F. Chorpita, & D. H. Barlow, 1998; S. Mineka, D. W. Watson, & L. A. Clark, 1998), and (b) the tripartite model of emotion appears to have increasing support and utility in child samples (e.g., C. J. Lonigan, E. S. Hooe, C. F. David, & J. A. Kistner, 1999). The structural relations were evaluated among tripartite factors and dimensions representing selected anxiety disorders and depression in a large multiethnic school sample of children and adolescents. General aspects of the tripartite model were supported. For example, Negative Affect was positively related with all anxiety and depression scales, and Positive Affect was negatively correlated with the depression scale. Consistent with previous observations in adult samples, Physiological Hyperarousal was positively related with Panic only, and was not significantly positively correlated with other anxiety syndromes. The structure of the best fitting model appeared robust across different grade levels and gender. In follow-up analyses. several interactions of grade level with structural parameters emerged, such that the relation of some of the tripartite factors with anxiety and depression were noted to increase or decrease across grade level.

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