
The treatment of lymphedema has been difficult due to the lack of understanding of the etiology and pathophysiology of the disease, as well as the embryology and physiology of the lymphatic system. The previous surgical treatment mostly has the blindness. Complete decongestion therapy (CDT) is the most popular treatment currently. The ultimate goal of lymphedema is the targeted and individualized treatment. New technology of multimodality lymphatic imaging emerged in the recent years largely improves the diagnosis of lymphatic circulation disorders. The treatment of peripheral lymphedema is expected to have new achievement. The key points that should be noticed in peripheral lymphedema treatment are ① to distinguish between primary and secondary lymphedema as the function and structure of the lymphatic system are substantially different. The lymphatic vessel regeneration and self-repair has not be proved in primary lymphedema. ② lymphatic vessel (possibly lymph node too) undergo a series pathological and degenerative changes in the affected limb. ③ the pathological changes of lymphoedema tissue Including chronic inflammation, tissue fibrosis and fatty deposition, should be included in the treatment target. To decrease the expression and prevent the function of the key inflammatory factor may be a new way for the treat of lymphedema. Key words: Lymphedema; Complete decongestion therapy; Micro-lymphatic surgery; Lymphography

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