
The present paper is based on Tehmina Durrani’s novel, “My Feudal Lord”. The paper aims at studying various institutions like feudalism, patriarchy, religion and cultural mechanism which, according to the novelist, is the root cause of suppression, exploitation and subjugation of women in Pakistani society. The novel is a struggle by a woman towards the assertion of her identity. The present paper proposes to dismantle the existing female identity of submissive, meek, docile, weak, and passive to strong, active, speaking, and courageous as the novelist does.The main intention of the study is to emphasize the problems of women in the male dominated society and also to upgrade the condition of women. Women endures lot of physical and mental cruelties during the whole of their life in the male dominated society. Each and every woman should learn to challenge the disagreeable conceptions which have been considered as truths. Women should not tolerate violence, exploitation and subordination as part of their destiny. They should raise a voice against all kinds of suppression.

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