
The complex formed by bovine trypsinogen and the pancreatic trypsin inhibitor crystallizes in large crystals isomorphous with trypsin-PTI † † Abbreviations used: PTI, pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Trasylol R); TP, trypsin-PTI complex; TgP, trypsinogen-PTI complex; TgPI, trypsinogen-PTI-Ile-Val complex; the amino acid sequence numbers refer to the chymotrypsinogen enumeration Hartley & Shotton 1971; residues of PTI are indicated by (I) or underlined. complex crystals Rühlmann et al. 1973. X-ray diffraction data to 1.9 Å resolution were collected in the absence and presence of Ile-Val dipeptide. Both trypsinogen complex structures have been crystallographically refined, using the refined trypsin-PTI complex Huber et al. 1974 a as a starting model. The final R values are 0.25 and 0.26, respectively. The mean main-chain atom deviations between the three complex structures are about 0.15 Å. In contrast, the mean deviation between the complexed and the free trypsinogen Fehlhammer et al. 1977 is 0.28 Å, reflecting the influence of crystal packing and complexation. The trypsinogen component adopts a trypsin-like conformation upon PTI binding: The Asp194 side-chain turns around and the activation domain becomes rigid, forming the specificity pocket and the Ile16 binding cleft. The specific interactions between PTI and trypsin are also observed in the trypsinogen complex. As in free trypsinogen, the N-terminus including residues Val10 to Gly18 is mobile and sticks out into solution. Apart from the different arrangement of the N-termini in the two complexes, the only significant, but minor structural difference is the enhanced thermal mobility of the autolysis loop in the trypsinogen complex. Upon binding of the Ile-Val dipeptide, the autolysis loop becomes fixed as in the trypsin complex. The Ile-Val position is identical in the ternary and the trypsin complex.

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