
The Yurtus Formation is generally believed as one of the most potential hydrocarbon source rocks under the Cambrian gypsum-salt bed in the Tarim Basin of China. This formation exhibits unique geochemical characteristics during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition period. In this study, we investigated the lower and upper black shales from the Yurtus Formation for the high-resolution geochemical analysis in order to further characterize the prevailing redox conditions and sedimentary mechanisms involved in the organic matter accumulation process. During the deposition of the lower black shale with high TOC in Unit2, the high concentrations of phosphorite and barite, and the REE geochemistry manifested a mixture of hydrothermal fluid and seawater. Through in-situ laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), we explored the element distribution of the drill-core-preserved phosphate nodule, indicating that the phosphogenesis may be related to the involvement of bacteria activities under intermittently oxic bottom waters or consistently free oxygen conditions. Biomarker evidence by the identification of green sulfur bacteria demonstrated the occurrence of photic zone euxinia (PZE), and the trace metal patterns revealed intermittently bottom water oxygenation and stratified ocean which was consistent with the scenario of phosphate nodule formation. In contrast, the upper black shale with relatively low TOC was characterized by a detrital input, with significantly decreasing redox-sensitive trace mental enrichment (UEF, MoEF, VEF) and positive excursion of carbon isotopes, as well as a positive relationship between ∑REE and Al. The present study provides more explicit insights into not only the sedimentary mechanism of the black shale, but also the evolution of the Earth system at the key interval of the early Cambrian.

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