
Introduction: The Colombo Plan, aid relations, and the international order of Asia, 1950-1965, Shigeru Akita, Gerold Krozewski, and Shoichi Watanabe Part I: The Colombo Plan and economic development 1. The 1950 Commonwealth Foreign Ministers' meeting and the International Aid Programme for Asia, Shoichi Watanabe 2. 'The weapons of the weakened': British power, sterling balances, and the origins of the Colombo Plan, B.R. Tomlinson 3. The Colombo Plan and industrialization in India: technical cooperation for the Indian Institutes of Technology, Katsuhiko Yokoi 4. 'A waste of time and money'? The Colombo Plan in Malaya, Singapore and the Borneo Territories during the 1950s, Nicholas J. White 5. The development and activities of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE), 1947-1965, Ikuto Yamaguchi Part II: Changing aid relations and the Colombo Plan 6. The transformation of the Colombo Plan and the sterling area in the late 1950s and early 1960s, Shigeru Akita 7. The Colombo Plan and Japan: focusing on the Tokyo meeting, Sumio Hatano 8. Britain and the reordering of overseas aid, 1956-64: from colonial development finance to assistance to sovereign states, Gerold Krozewski 9. The Colombo Plan and British publicity policies towards Southeast Asia, 1950-1965, Junko Tomaru Part III: The Cold War, aid policies, and the international order 10. US Cold War policy and the Colombo Plan: a continuing search for regional cooperation in Asia in the 1950s, Hideki Kan 11. Peace offensive between the two wars: Khrushchev's policy towards Asia, 1953-1964, Ilya V. Gaiduk 12. Development assistance as a Cold War tool: the United States, international institutions, and the political economy of Asian development, 1947-1965, Robert J. McMahon 13. The changing international order in Asia and Anglo-Japanese relations: from the mid-1950s to the early 1960s, Yoichi Kibata

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