
The purpose, objectives, content, and methods of education are reflected in the organization training system. Optimization of the educational process, its scientific organization, increase of its effectiveness will result in an intensification of student activity and, consequently, lead to quality education. Under the traditional teaching methods the courses are designed as a sequence of schematically organization of the auditorium, continuity checking, homework and past lesson inquiry, new knowledge and its reinforcement, assessment, tasks, etc. The topics of such subjects are not revealed to the students comprehensively. The training design based on the diligence of a few students has led to the passivity of the others. Loading the students with unwanted unnecessary information can cause the worsening of their memories prematurely. Furthermore, the experience of many years indicates that an individual with a high intellectual capability, willing to conduct reasoning, free judgment or problem identification, demonstrates a passive attitude for the reason of fear and insecurity. When analysing the term of new teaching methods, the main focus falls on the teacher's ability to demonstrate professionalism in fostering the knowledge, skills, and habits of the learners. New teaching methods can be realized with the help of critical thinking. The ability of critical thinking and overall the effectiveness of the use of new methods can be achieved primarily, on the organization of teacher training and professional development. From the training on new teaching methods, the teachers can obtain some practical skills by utilizing the method of critical thinking during the teaching process. Improvement of education quality has influenced the comprehension of the subject and object, and has brought the interaction to the new meaning. The incorporation of active learning is one of the goals of educational reform. In the course of active learning, the teachers become guides while learners become researchers.

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