
A scientific problem. The article examines the musical and cultural aspects of the «archetype» phenomenon and its transformation from an archetypal prototype through an artistic image to the concept and metaconcept in musical culture. Regardless of the relevance of these phenomena in the modern space of culture, this problem remains little researched, although it is still connected with the urgent issues of finding the primary foundations, the primary sources of being, the identification of universal patterns-models in the composer’s creative work. The aim. To investigate the transformation of the archetype in the semiosis of musical culture and to reveal the genealogical interdependence of the transition of the archetype into the concept and metaconcept. The methodology is based on scientific cultural, psychological, literary and musicological investigations, as well as a systematic approach, comparative and logical-analytical methods. With the help of this methodology, the transformation of the archetype, their interdependence in musical culture was revealed. Results. The definitions of «archetype» and «concept» are considered, their common and distinctive features are clarified, and the transformation of archetypes into concepts is traced. In this context, it was noted that entering the world of everyday ideas, the archetypal prototype is filled with new emotional and informational content; it acquires a personal, socially conditioned specificity and moves into the realm of concepts. The interpretation of the definition «concept» as coexistence by J. Deleuze and F. Guattari is analyzed. The concept is considered in the context of perspectives of frame semantics in music. Conclusions. As a result of the research, a genealogical connection between two definitions «archetype» and «concept» was noted. It was found that a concept is not an image, not every artistic image can become a concept, since the concept potentially carries an invariant content in the form of an archetype, which is individually and creatively realized in each specific case of a composer’s creative work. It was determined that archetypes and concepts perform the function of memory (cultural, social, national), form the continuity, integrity of being, its value-meaning core. It was proven that archetypes of the cultural unconscious are metaconcepts of culture: both archetypes and concepts form a certain «metalanguage of culture» (Y. Lotman), or an «overlanguage». It was found that archetypal prototypes are, in their essence, archetypal semes, which go from the collective unconscious to the subconscious of a modern person, and their reactualization takes place. Archetypal semes (units of the universal subject code — sound, tone, rhythm, intonation, etc.) form the figurative sphere of the concept. It was determined that the concept in musical creativity expands the semantic and emotional-sensual possibilities and meaning of the archetypal prototype; it carries out an intermediary function in the transmission of sociocultural experience; it forms the communicative space of culture. The important essence of concepts is noted the formation of potential meanings, which the concept contains not in the text itself, but in contexts, «on the border of statements».

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