
In Lu Xun’s translation career, Lu Xun’s translation view wasn’t consistent. Instead, it experienced transformations in several aspects, from target language form, choice of source text to the most important ones translation strategy. This paper mainly discussed the transformations of Lu Xun’s translation view in his translation career. Lu Xun, a great writer, ideologist and revolutionist, not only created abundant literary works, but translated numerous foreign works from abroad, ranging from science fictions, theoretical works, novels, etc. while doing translation works, Lu Xun also advocated lots of arguments about translation on the papers and magazines at that time, making significant contributions to the theory of translation in China. Throughout his life, Lu Xun experienced transformation in his thought of translation, free translation at early stage, then holding on to literal translation firmly until the last, with some people even call it “stiff translation”. At the same time, Lu Xun also advocated the importance of retranslation and translation criticism. The worry about China and Chinese people, the eagerness to awaken and enlighten the oppressed people play the decisive role in the transformation of translation strategies, choice of source texts, and language being used. 1. Translation View at Early Stage The earliest works of translation about Lu Xun dates back to 1903, 《哀尘》,translated from French writer Victor Hugo. The second works of translation was 《斯巴达之魂》, which told the story of how the people of Sparta fight against foreign aggression. Although Lu Xun himself regards it as translation works, “numerous scholars, even Lu Xun himself, couldn’t find out its origins about the so-called translated works”. 1 From 1903-1906, Lu Xun didn’t give “any special views” 2 Translation strategy in this period mainly aimed to introduce ideas and thoughts of foreign countries, with the emphasis on the convey of meanings rather than being faithful to the source text. Joint International Social Science, Education, Language, Management and Business Conference (JISEM 2015) © 2015. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 226 His later works included the following ones: 《月界旅行》,《地底旅行》,《说镭》《物理新 诠》《世界史》《北极历险记》《造人术》《红星佚史》《裴多菲诗论》. As for the reason why Lu Xun employed such method was not hard to identify. The first influential factor was the social environment at that time. During the first years of the 20 th century, China has witnessed great sufferings from foreign suppression and throughout the years all the scholars as well as the intelligent people demanded change and reformation to transform the state of the nation at that time. As far as the writers and thinkers at that time are concerned, they hoped and tried to borrow the advanced thought and ideas from abroad to enlighten, evoke the public to stand up to fight and reform their suppressed status. One of the representatives at that time was Liang Qichao who played a significant role in introducing Western social and political theories in Korea such as Social Darwinism and international law. Liang wrote in his well-known manifesto, New People (新民说): “Freedom means Freedom for the Group, not Freedom for the Individual. (...) Men must not be slaves to other men, but they must be slaves to their group. For, if they are not slaves to their own group, they will assuredly become slaves to some other.” Liang believed that translation had a very clear aim that is to “save the country from fire and backward status” “The translation of foreign books is the essential thing to make our country being more powerful. That is quite obvious!” (“拯焚救溺之用”,“必以译书为强国第一义,昭昭然也!”)

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