
The α-transfer reactions 27Al( 6Li, d) 31P, 29Si( 6Li, d) 33S and 31P( 6Li, d) 35Cl have been studied at a 6Li energy of 36 MeV. Absolute cross sections and angular distributions have been measured and an exact finite-range distorted-wave Born approximation analysis assuming a direct cluster transfer has been used to extract from the data α-particle spectroscopic strengths for levels populated in 31P, 33S and 35Cl in the three reactions respectively. The results show that in the case of most of the low-lying excited states of 31P, a single value of L of the transferred α-particle contributes, though a multiplicity of L-values are allowed by angular momentum selection rules. It is also found that the α-particle spectroscopic strength of the ground state of 31P is a factor of 2 more than the strengths of the ground states of 33S and 35Cl. The α-spectroscopic strengths of ground states of these, as well as other odd- A s-d shell nuclei, are compared with the presently available shell model calculations.

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