
The consequences of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide for long-term adaptation of forest ecosystems remain uncertain, with virtually no studies undertaken at the genetic level. A global analysis using cDNA microarrays was conducted following 6 yr exposure of Populus x euramericana (clone I-214) to elevated [CO(2)] in a FACE (free-air CO(2) enrichment) experiment. Gene expression was sensitive to elevated [CO(2)] but the response depended on the developmental age of the leaves, and < 50 transcripts differed significantly between different CO(2) environments. For young leaves most differentially expressed genes were upregulated in elevated [CO(2)], while in semimature leaves most were downregulated in elevated [CO(2)]. For transcripts related only to the small subunit of Rubisco, upregulation in LPI 3 and downregulation in LPI 6 leaves in elevated CO(2) was confirmed by anova. Similar patterns of gene expression for young leaves were also confirmed independently across year 3 and year 6 microarray data, and using real-time RT-PCR. This study provides the first clues to the long-term genetic expression changes that may occur during long-term plant response to elevated CO(2).

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