
Vocal technique training is a crucial aspect of vocal education, aimed at refining and developing the human voice instrument. By utilizing a variety of training methods and content, singers can achieve aesthetic auditory art that provides listeners with a profound emotional experience. However, mastering this skill is an abstract concept, with each singer having their unique experiences and challenges. In vocal education, selecting the appropriate vocal works is essential in shaping the human voice instrument. The composer Handel, widely considered the greatest composer of the German Baroque period, created a vast collection of classic operas and oratorios throughout his life. The elements of rhythm, melody, and dynamics in Handel’s vocal works have a profound impact on a singer’s breath control, rhythm, and dynamics, making them an essential part of vocal education. Handel’s vocal works remain popular today due to their complex and dynamic elements that provide an exceptional learning experience for singers in vocal education. Overall, this paper demonstrates the importance of utilizing Handel’s vocal works in vocal education to produce skilled and expressive singers.

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