
Seeing today's developments, young Indonesians are not just children who grow up and gain knowledge in the classroom. There are many ways so that they can upgrade their knowledge, for example by watching Youtube channels, taking online courses for free and so on. In addition to the methods mentioned above, schools can actually partner with other parties such as universities, where lecturers on campus provide training and tutorials related to appropriate materials for school children. Lecturers do not need to teach theoretical anymore but are able to provide training such as honing public speaking skills and understanding professional ethics at work. Why is it important for vocational students to learn this? No wonder there are still many young people who stutter and get nervous when speaking in front of many people. Then how will they face the world of work if they have graduated from school but this ability has not been honed? Apart from this, students also do not understand what the basic ethics are when working professionally. Therefore, this training is expected to be able to make students practice their public speaking skills in real terms, not only behind the training stage. Students are convinced to be able to deal with audiences or interlocutors well and confidently and of course demonstrate ethical values ​​when working in an agency, both with the environment within the company and outside. This training is part of community service activities from Lecturers of the Faculty of Communication, Sahid University, Jakarta. The activity was held by online in August 2021.

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