
This research initiative centers on the comprehensive exploration of the training of educational experts in Poland and its comparative analysis with other countries, primarily focusing on Ukraine. The study aims to gain insights into the state of pedagogical theory and practice surrounding educational expert training, the key concepts employed in Poland, the organizational and methodological features unique to Poland, innovative approaches and technologies utilized at the University of Warsaw, and the advantages and disadvantages of the Polish system compared to Ukraine. The research delves into the cutting-edge innovative approaches and technologies employed in Poland, particularly at the University of Warsaw, in shaping the future of educational expert training. These technologies and methodologies play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality and relevance of training programs. The article describes the main concepts of educational experts training in the field of education used in Poland and how do they compare with the concepts of other countries. Besides, comparative analysis reveals the difference between educational experts training in different educational institutions, such as the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA), the State Accreditation Committee, and University of Warsaw. These training programs include some specific features and methods that can vary based on the institution, program level, and the evolving educational landscape. The study conducts a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the Polish system for training educational experts in comparison to Ukraine, offering valuable insights for both countries and potentially informing improvements in their respective educational systems. Keywords: Training of educational experts, Polish Accreditation Committee, Quality assurance system, Education system in Poland, Expert training programs.

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