
Suffers city of Baquba, Diyala province, which occupies the central part of eastern Iraq Center, the appearance and the growing problem of traffic jam in the streets president since shortly after the 2003 increase this problem year after year with the continuous increase of the number of cars and the survival of the road network on the same .The aim of this research to study the causes of the problem of traffic jam in the city of Baquba, effects and consequences of it and the means to tackle the problem and measures or mitigate them adopted. Find descriptive approach, and follow the researchers approach field to get data and information search through included a questionnaire (80) of motorists in the city and through tours field researchers in the streets of the city, in addition to a review of the relevant departments of the problem. The research has come to the results of the most important that some official procedures relating to the organization of traffic in the streets of the city have had the most impact on this phenomenon, in addition fundamental development that has led to the emergence of the problem is the rapid and massive increase in the number of cars after 2003, with the main streets network survival the city intact and undeveloped and the increased capacity of, and provide search some proposals to address the problem


  • Suffers city of Baquba, Diyala province, which occupies the central part of eastern Iraq Center, the appearance and the growing problem of traffic jam in the streets president since shortly after the 2003 increase this problem year after year with the continuous increase of the number of cars and the survival of the road network on the same .The aim of this research to study the causes of the problem of traffic jam in the city of Baquba, effects and consequences of it and the means to tackle the problem and measures or mitigate them adopted

  • The research has come to the results of the most important that some official procedures relating to the organization of traffic in the streets of the city have had the most impact on this phenomenon, in addition fundamental development that has led to the emergence of the problem is the rapid and massive increase in the number of cars after 2003, with the main streets network survival the city intact and undeveloped and the increased capacity of, and provide search some proposals to address the problem

  • ‫توجد مشكمة ازدحام مروري في الشوارع الرئيسة لمدينة بعقوبة‪,‬وىذه المشكمة تعود لأسباب‬ ‫تتعمق بمدى كفاءة شبكة النقل الحضري وتنظيم السير والمرور فييا‪,‬واخرى تتعمق بإج ارءات‬

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‫إن ظاىرة الازدحام المروري ىي مشكمة تعاني منيا الكثير من المدن ‪,‬بسبب نمو الحجم‬ ‫السكاني ليا‪ ,‬وازدياد اعداد المركبات بشكل كبير ‪.‬ان لظاىرة الازدحام المروري اثار سمبية عديدة‬ ‫تتمثل بصعوبة الوصول لمختمف انواع الرحلات اليومية لسكان المدن‪ ,‬وما يترتب عمى ذلك من‬ ‫اثار اقتصادية واجتماعية‪ ,‬وتموث البيئة بأشكالو المختمفة واثارىا الصحية الضارة‪ ,‬والحوادث‬ ‫المرورية وما يترتب عمييا من خسائر بشرية ومادية‪ ,‬فضلاً عن اثار اجتماعية اخرى عديدة‪.‬‬ ‫وتعاني مدينة بعقوبة من ىذه المشكمة منذ سنوات عديدة‪ ,‬والتي تتفاقم سنة بعد اخرى ‪ .‬ويأتي ىذا‬ ‫البحث ليحاول د ارسة ىذه المشكمة واسبابيا واثارىا وطرق معالجتيا ‪.‬تضمن البحث ثلاثة مباحث‬ ‫‪,‬تضمن الاول اساساً نظرياً لمموضوع مع شرح لشبكة الشوارع الرئيسة في المدينة‪ .‬ودرس المبحث‬ ‫الثاني اسباب ىذه المشكمة من خلال الد ارسة الميدانية من خلال استمارة استبيان والجولات الميدانية‬ ‫المباشرة في شوارع المدينة‪ ,‬واستطلاع ا ارء الدوائر المختصة‪ .‬أما المبحث الثالث؛ فقد تضمن‬ ‫النتائج والاثار السمبية ليذه المشكمة‪ ,‬وتقدم البحث بمجموعة من المقترحات التي تسيم في حل‬.

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