
Zhang, M., 2020. The traditional settlement and architectural space form of Hainan based on marine climate. In: Li, L. and Huang, X. (eds.), Sustainable Development in Coastal Regions: A Perspective of Environment, Economy, and Technology. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 112, pp. 15-18. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.The study of traditional marine settlements and architectural space forms has important practical value for the scientific and reasonable development and management of Hainan tourism resources, and is conducive to promoting the heritage and protection of Hainan traditional settlements and architectural space. Based on this, this paper first analyzes the inheritance and protection of the construction techniques of traditional settlements and architectural space, then studies the differences between the marine climate and environmental conditions of Hainan and the spatial forms of traditional settlements in Hainan, and finally gives the causes of the differences in the spatial forms of traditional settlements in Hainan.

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