
Background: The venom of different snake species has a distinctive composition. This composition can be also affected by other factors such as age, sex, geographical, and seasonal variations. Generally, snake venom is composed of small molecules such as inorganic cations as well as enzymatic and non-enzymatic peptides, and proteins. Although snake bite poisoning is highly associated with death after systemic absorption of the venom, some studies report on snake venom’s composition, toxicodynamic, and potential therapeutic.Methods: Using electronic databases like ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed, and Scopus, this review aims to point to some components of snake venom and how these components can be used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.Results: Snake venom was used for the treatment of different pathophysiological conditions in ancient times and is now being used in both modern and folk medicine. These have created the opportunity for scientists to discover new drugs that are more targeted to the site of action and have fewer adverse effects.Conclusion: Today, using special techniques of isolation and formulation, some purified snake venom components are being used for the treatment of acute and chronic conditions, while some others are under further clinical trials. This is due to their potential to produce antitumor, antimicrobial, analgesic, antiplatelet, hypotensive, and other activities.

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