
The Tournaisian beds of the Kahanag section in central Alborz (northern Iran) are described. This Tournaisian is probably complete and continuous from MFZ1 to MFZ8 biozones; nevertheless, (1) the base is only lithostratigraphically characterized, (2) the biozones MFZ1 to MFZ5 cannot be differentiated, and (3) in topmost beds, Eoparastaffella simplex indicative of the basal Viséan have not yet found. This Tournaisian is subdivided into a local lower Tourmaisian (MFZ1-MFZ5) showing a poor assemblage of monolocular and bilocular foraminifers, and a local upper Tournaisian where the biozones MFZ 6 and 7 are precisely defined. In Kahanag, MFZ 6 is characterized by the FO of Eotextularia diversa; MFZ 7 is the range-zone of Darjella monilis; and the base of MFZ8 is marked by the appearance of Eoparastaffellina. The biozone MFZ 8 is particularly developed in Kahanag, and represents almost one third of the field-section; therefore, a local subdivision is proposed, especially in order to characterize an upper MFZ8 subbiozone. Additionally, some algae of the section are accurately described; especially a trio which might be characteristic of the latest Tournaisian in Iran, (1) the unilayered “Koninckopora” mentioned for the first time in Iran; (2) a new genus of dasycladaleans Kahanagella n. gen.; and (3) a new genus of palaeoberesellaceans, Oblikamaena n. gen. More classical Algospongia (incertae sedis algae) are briefly mentioned Issinella, Crassikamaena, Kamaena, Palaeoberesella, Exvotarisella, Pseudostacheoides, Sinustacheoides and Stacheoides. Regionally, the new genus Kahanagella might be an important palaeobiogeographic marker because it was also discovered in the Tabas Block, while it seems absent in the adjacent, well-known areas (Taurus, southern Urals, Kazakhstan). Perhaps, Kahanagella might permit to reconstruct the initial geography of the latest Tournaisian Iranian platforms. Oblikamaena elbursica n. gen. n. sp. is an endemic taxon for the moment but might become also palaeobiogeographically interesting. Finally, the whole foraminiferal and algal Tournaisian assemblage permits to propose a reconstruction of the initial palaeoposition of the Iranian terranes prior to the progressive assemby of the Cimmerian terranes.

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