
Diagonal and opposite diagonal functions play an important role in various applications of the copula theory. Denote the families of all 2-Lipschitz continuous functions from the unit closed interval to itself, diagonal functions and opposite diagonal functions, by L2(I), D and O, respectively. In this work, we study the topological structures of the sets D and O with the uniform metric d∞, and mainly show that there exist homeomorphisms H1,H2:(L2(I),d∞)→[0,1]×Q such that H1(D,d∞)=H2(O,d∞)={0}×Q, where Q=[−1,1]N is the Hilbert cube. This result allows us to deduce that the set of all (opposite) diagonal sections of (quasi-)copulas with the topology induced by the uniform metric is homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube Q, and hence has the fixed point property.

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